Earl is a creature from the land of Furl. Its furry exterior entices viewers to interact and touch it, but it warns you with a buzz and flaps its wings vigorously if you get too close. Is Earl grumpy? Is Earl scared? Or Is Earl happy to see the audience?


We placed the laptop behind the pedestal and took down the wires to make it less visible. Moreover, we try to shoot from an angle that cannot see the wires. Documenting the final outcomes, taking images and videos.


When a viewer steps closer or touches Earl, the sensor will detect the presence and Earl will flap its wing vigorously and beeps. We do think that this is a good outcome as usually the audience will take a closer look, and which allows them to know it is an interactive design. We were successful in interpreting the presentation of an interactive design.

Video below.

A Sense of Narrative.

From this, the audience can interpret Earl’s emotions since this creature does not belong on Earth. We also do not know why Earl is here on earth and this sense of curiosity we implemented on the audience can lead them into having their own narrative of Earl. What were we thinking about when we made Earl, what was the purpose?

Is Earl happy or angry to see the audience? The curiosity into thinking where Earl is from allows the audience to keep imagining and thinking about the origin of Earl. Having their own imagination and a sense of individuality. Of course they would know who the creators are but they would also think about why we would make Earl.

We want the audience to question themselves. Implementing a sense of curiosity.